Many women have been diagnosed with a hormonal disorder called “low T,” a misconception. It turns out that most females have high testosterone, not low testosterone. Women also produce too much estrogen from their other sex hormones. Below are High testosterone in women causes.

This post will help you understand the link between high testosterone in women and how it affects your life. You’ll find out what causes high testosterone and what to do about it if you suspect you suffer from this disorder.

It’s relatively unknown that high estrogen in a woman can be just as devastating as too much testosterone. It’s essential to live a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, so you can have the energy to go through each day without being tired or suffering from low self-esteem.

The average testosterone level for a woman is 15 to 70 pg/ml, while the average level for men is 270 to 1070 pg/ml. So what happens if your levels are too high (hyperandrogenemia)? Symptoms include:

High testosterone in women causes

Extreme energy, feeling irrepressible underneath it all. Like you can’t sit still. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re hyperactive, but it does mean you have more energy than usual and that there’s no way to get comfortable. It’s just a nagging feeling like there’s a part of you that remains alert at all times. You can’t relax because you feel restless.

Acne or oily skin. Acne affects around 80% of women, so this isn’t a good sign that something is wrong if this is a new issue. And oily skin can cause acne in some cases.

Hair loss, again—not a great sign, but not the end of the world either. Typically, hair loss is more prevalent around your temples and hairline—the typical “male-pattern baldness” that most men experience because it’s associated with testosterone levels.

Additionally, menopause is commonly reported as a symptom of hyperandrogenemia. Women who have had their ovaries removed or have undergone menopause may also suffer from these symptoms.

The best way to deal with high estrogen levels is to inject testosterone into your body via a pellet implant, which will allow your body to restore the balance between your two sex hormones positively.


The good news is that even though you’re experiencing symptoms, your levels are still within the normal range. So what causes high testosterone in women? The most common cause is PCOS, with an estimated two-thirds of women having this disorder. It occurs in 25% of men as well.