Melasma is a common skin condition that manifests as brown or grayish-brown patches, primarily on the face. Most often it affects the forehead, cheeks, bridge of the nose, and upper lip, but it can also appear on other parts of the body that get lots of sun exposure, like the forearms or neck. While it’s a cosmetic concern that affects both men and women, it is far more common in women, especially during hormonal shifts like pregnancy or when taking birth control pills. Though melasma doesn’t cause any physical discomfort or complications, it can take a toll on a person’s emotional well-being and self-esteem.

Causes of Melasma

Understanding the causes of melasma is essential for effective melasma treatment in Singapore and elsewhere. While the exact reason for the occurrence of melasma is not entirely known, there are several factors known to trigger or worsen the condition. One of the most significant factors is exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays can accelerate the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of your skin, eyes, and hair. Hormonal changes are another significant trigger. This explains why melasma is particularly prevalent among pregnant women, often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy,” and those who are on hormone replacement therapies or oral contraceptives.

Stress and thyroid diseases have also been associated with the condition. In some cases, even skin care products that irritate the skin can make melasma worse. Therefore, knowing the underlying cause can be a game-changer in treatment plans, especially for those who have had limited success with topical creams and are looking for a more effective melasma treatment in Singapore.

Symptoms of Melasma

The symptoms of melasma are mainly cosmetic and can be quite simple to identify. The condition is characterized by discolored patches that are darker than your usual skin tone. These patches can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the face. The patches are usually symmetrical, with matching marks on both sides of the face. While it’s not painful or harmful, the change in appearance can be distressing for some people, motivating them to seek treatment.

Melasma: Causes, Prevention, & Treatments – Dr. Zenovia

Pico Laser and Melasma

Pico laser treatment is emerging as a revolutionary and effective melasma treatment in Singapore. This laser treatment works by sending ultra-short pulses of energy into the skin in picoseconds (one trillionth of a second). This technology is precise enough to target the melanin pigment causing the discoloration, without affecting the surrounding tissue. The laser shatters the pigment into smaller particles, which are then naturally eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system.

Unlike older laser treatments that require multiple sessions and have more downtime, Pico laser treatments are quick, with minimal discomfort and little to no downtime. Most patients experience a significant reduction in the appearance of melasma after a few sessions. However, it’s important to remember that while Pico laser treatments can be very effective, they’re not a one-time, permanent solution. Ongoing care is necessary to maintain the results, especially because melasma can be recurrent. Sunscreen is still a must, and other topical treatments might be recommended to keep melasma at bay.

Wrapping it Up

Melasma is a common but often emotionally distressing skin condition that manifests as dark patches on the skin. While exposure to the sun and hormonal changes are among the leading causes, effective treatment varies from person to person. Among the newer technologies, Pico laser is proving to be an effective, minimally invasive way to treat melasma, particularly for those who haven’t seen results from topical treatments alone. With any skin condition, it’s essential to consult a qualified medical professional for diagnosis and treatment tailored to your individual needs.