Best delta-8 THC Products in 2022
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive substance responsible for marijuana’s characteristic high. Naturally occurring THC comes in two forms: delta-9-THC and delta-8-THC. Delta-9 is more prevalent, found in up to 75% of cannabis plants by mass. It was originally thought that delta-9 had a higher affinity towards CB1 cannabinoid receptors whereas the Best delta-8 products had a higher affinity towards CB2 cannabinoid receptors but recent research has shown this not to be the case and that their affinities are equal. You will also learnĀ How to Choose the Best Delta-8 Brands in this article.
Delta-8 THC has the same effects as delta-9 THC but the effects tend to be somewhat different, usually much stronger and more sedative. One of the primary differences between delta-9 and delta-8 is that delta-9 is only smoked/vaporized at temperatures above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas delta 8 will vaporize at all temperature ranges (though vaporizing it at lower temperatures will yield better results).
However, few people vaporize cannabis because it is undesirable to inhale large amounts of smoke into ones lungs. Many people, however, prefer to smoke because it has been shown that delta-8 THC is more absorbed and psychoactive when smoked as opposed to vaporized. Delta-8 typically comes in the form of a liquid at room temperature and can be mixed with conopine or other carrier oils.
Delta-8 THC products are a valuable alternative to delta-9 and makes for a much safer product than its counterpart. Many people who don’t like the extreme stoning effects of delta-9 will gravitate towards this form for its more reliable sedative effects.
What are the best delta-8 THC products in 2022?
CannaLabs, listed under delta-8 THC comes from a company that has been around for a very long time. They were founded in the early 1930s and they have since that time become a reputable producer of pharmaceutical grade cannabis oil. The company produces over 1000 different strains of high CBD/low THC grade marijuana oil that are all developed naturally with no synthetic chemicals or synthetics comprise their product line.
In addition to the pure CBD oil, they also produce some very potent, high quality medicinal marijuana strains as well as edibles. Their products are all 100% organic and and in their catalog, they indicate that their CBD oil is lab-tested to ensure that the CBD content comes from organically grown cannabis.
CannaLabs Delta-8 THC comes in two forms: 1) Full spectrum CBD tincture and 2) Edibles. The Delta-8 Full Spectrum CBD tincture has been lab tested by 3rd party laboratories for purity, potency, and cannabinoid content. It also comes with a Certificate of Analysis (COA) that verifies the cannabinoid spectrum in their tinctures as well as the total cannabinoid content per serving.